Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

DSi, Oh My!

I got a Nintendo DSi a few days ago (because my second DS Lite broke, hinge issue, just like first one. Well, it's not broken, and not even too bad. But with continued heavy use, it wouldn't last. So I'm going for the safer bet).

Also, we've made more AWESOME bead art!! Pics to be posted soon!!

- David

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010


So I've been pondering something. Boos are suppose to be ghosts, right? Well, ghosts of what? The deceased citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom? Or are they just other worldly beings?

These are the things I think about...

- David

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Super Mario Bros. 3 DVD Set

Guess whose Super Mario Bros. 3 DVD Set came in the mail today!!

Now all I need is a comfy pair of PJ pants, a big bowl of sugary cereal, and for it to be Saturday morning!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Clear Original Game Boy


I recently got a "new" Game Boy! It's the old-school brick Game Boy, but clear! I have the old original gray one back in California (so many memories), but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get a clear version of this wonderful console. And so I did, and I LOVE it!
Wicked rad, indeed
 - David

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Playing Now: Super Mario Land (Game Boy)

Hi! So I popped in Super Mario Land into my Game Boy. I've been playing it on my Super Game Boy, but haven't gotten around to playing it on an old, fat Game Boy (aka, I couldn't find 4 good AA batteries). But today I finally did, and it's just, nostalgic and epic. Such a simple game, but simply awesome too! And that main theme is wicked. >_< I must admit, I have figured it out, and can play it on the violin.
But yeah, I love my DS and whatnot, but there's something awesome about playing on an old fat Game Boy!

- David

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Thank you to those who came out and supported Pixels n' Bits at Mac Con Fall 2010!

Mac Con Fall 2010

Hey y'all!

We're at Mac Con Fall 2010!! Come visit us on the first floor of Olin Rice and check us out.

Public Posting

Pixels n' Bits will be at Mac Con 2010 in Olin Rice at 2:00  PM today! Pixelated goodness will be $2.50 each ($2.75 for pins or magnets), and the glow-in-the-dark stuff will be $3. Larger projects, like Megaman and Kirby, will be up for request. Come hit us up!

PS. Requests are welcomed!

Preparing for Mac Con Fall 2010

Ohayo? Does that work at this hour?

We're hard at work preparing for today's Mac Con Fall 2010! It's the early hours of the morning, and we've trekked through snow and sleep deprivation, but it's worth it to bring the awesomeness of 8bit and 16bit.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Mac Con 2010 Announcement!


We're busy preparing for our debut! Please come to Mac Con 2010 (Olin Rice, Macalester College), this coming Saturday (November 12, 2010) from 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Pixels n' Bits will be there when the doors first open, and possibly later in the day.

Check out what we've got in store for the event!

New Blog!


So we're Pixels n' Bits (formerly known as Krinda and David), and this is our blog. It may be empty now, but here you can get the latest thrilling news of new pieces up for sale, video games we're playing, or other random bits of awesomeness. So check us out!